
We stock the BEST golf bats on the internet!  Whether it's your first golf bat, or you are a pro-golfing and need a top of the line golf bat to take your game to the next level, we have the golf bat for you!

Wooden Golf Bats
Wooden golf bats are an essential item in your bat bag.  They are made of wood, and they look very pretty.  Sometimes they are made from two bits of wood stuck together, and other times the long sticky bit is made of something else.

Long wooden golf bat: $45
Short wooden golf bat: $43

Metal Golf Bats
Metal golf bats are shiny.  Crows may try to take them, but they usually find them too heavy to pick up.  The little grooves on the paddle bit are quite small and tricky.   Metal golf bats make a big difference to your game because you can use them instead of wooden bats when you've lost the wooden bat.

Long metal golf bat: $65
Short wooden golf bat: $62 (out of stock)

Coloured Golf Bats

These "ultra-lite" golf bats are made of plastic and much lighter to carry around.  Be the envy of all the other punters on the golf pitch when you whip one of these out.  These are the mark of the distinguished and well heeled golf batter.  If you can afford one, buy one.

Red/Yellow golf bat: POA
Blue/Green golf bat: POA
Red/Blue golf bat: POA