The Team

The success of Golf Bats 'R Us isn't measured only in huge profits and international accolades. Through the years we are lucky enough to have assembled an elite team of golf bat specialists.  

Dreamtree Coldass (PhD): one of the original designers of the "ultra-lite" Plastic Golf Bat, Dreemtree gained a PhD in astro-bat physics from the Pembury International School of Golfbatting

Maniac Moollah: expert in the "ham-fisted" website design methodology, tax specialist.

Aiming Willingly: company assassin, cocktail maker 

Fancy Messing: professional country music DJ and golfbatting technique coach to the stars

Linebacker Jordanson: holder of 19 golfbat patents, company enforcer

The Golf Bats 'R Us team on a team vacation at the Homerton Grove Adventure Playground